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form of value中文是什么意思

用"form of value"造句"form of value"怎么读"form of value" in a sentence


  • 价值形式
  • 价值形态


  • Analysis on red - culture : form of value and function of moral education
  • Nature and form of value and the choice of values under the market economy
  • Marx and others had ever made systematic study on credit from the economics point of view , and pointed out that credit is a special form of value movement based on repayment
  • Chapter 1 focuses on introducing the meaning and characteristics , studying the various categories of enterprises " merger , acquisition , and restructuring theoretically , analyzing several forms of value - creating system during the process of m & a and restructuring , listing the risks the enterprises face during the m & a and restructuring
  • This thesis is on the basis of studying , carrying on existing domestic and international achievement in research , probe into mainly ( 1 ) the relation among the composition and the relation between enterprise information resources and value in manufacturing enterprise ; ( 2 ) appraising models on value of information resources of manufacturing enterprise ; ( 3 ) the information resources frame of management system of enterprise with value driving ; ( 4 ) the mechanism that getting and transforming value by information resources management in manufacturing enterprise using the form of value chain
    本文在研究、继承已有国内外研究成果的基础上,主要探讨了: ( 1 )制造企业信息资源的构成,以及企业信息资源价值转换关系模型; ( 2 )制造企业信息资源的价值评估模型; ( 3 )价值驱动的企业信息资源管理体系框架; ( 4 )以企业信息资源价值链的形式,研究了制造企业信息资源价值获取与转化的机制。
用"form of value"造句  
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